The paper examines how addressing as a form of conversational strategy in a classroom talk affects the formation of gender and language identities of pupils in Serbian and Hungarian classes during the final year of bilingual primary schools in Subotica (Vojvodina) in the year 2015. The corpus consists of the fine transcript of two video recordings of mother tongue lessons in Serbian and Hungarian classes during the final year of primary schools. The results show that the differences in addressing are cultural and gender conditioned and confirm the implicit gender based discrimination in explicit language used by the teachers.
Key words: addressing, classroom talk, gender, Hungarian, Serbian
Bašaragin, Margareta (2016). „A társadalmi nem és a nyelv kölcsönhatása a tantermi beszélgetésekben – megszólítás” (Beretka Katinka fordítása), Létünk, XLVI. évfolyam, 2016. 4. szám. Újvidék: Forum Könyvkiadó Intézet, 109-128.
Ph. D. Margareta Bašaragin