In this paper I analyse the notion of gender in the German Language as conceptualized by profesx lann hornscheidt with the intention to introduce it to the wider academic community in Serbia. First, I refer to the characteristics of the concept of gender in German and existing recommendations for the implementation of a gender sensitive language. I deal with the key concepts posed by profesx hornscheidt`s linguistic theory with reference to the main forms of discrimination through language use and the features of non-discriminatory use of written German. Finally, I present an attempt to apply the proposed non-discriminatory language form to written Serbian language.
Keywords: gender, gender neutral language, genderism, German, lann hornscheidt, x-form
Bašaragin, Margareta (2018). „Jezik kao političko sredstvo ne_diskriminatorne prakse: jedno shvatanje roda u nemačkom jeziku profesx Lan Hornšajt (lann hornscheidt)“, u: Zaharijević, Adrijana i Katarina Lončarević (ur.) (2018). Feministička teorija za sve. Zbornik radova sa konferencije „Neko je rekao feminizam? Feministička teorija u Srbiji danas“. Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i Fakultet političkih nauka, 397-416.
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Ph. D. Margareta Bašaragin